The Pretty Things: Rock Stars in The Rock Hall of Fame?

When it comes to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame I’m a vocal critic of how they continue to induct (& Nominate) 1960s originated rock acts. This year we've see a fair few (Steppenwolf, The Zombies, Joan Baez, etc) being nominated despite not necessarily deserving to be in the hal l. So that made me think ‘Have they ran out of credible 1960s artists to induct?’ The answer I thought would be yes, I think the Monkees deserve a nomination not an induction, but there is one act who it is amazing have not yet been inducted. They were formed by a Rolling Stone, they were admired by David Bowie and were friends with Bob Dylan, those 3 things alone should of inducted them in the 60s-obsessed hall voter's eyes. Photo Credit: Derek Jensen I’m talking about The Pretty Things who were one of the best acts of the 1960s, who helped form the sounds of Psychedelic Rock, Proto-Punk and also had the first concept album in rock. So let’...