When Musicians Threaten to Boycott the Grammies

Recently there's been a lot of discussion about the fact that Kanye West has said that he won't attend the Grammies if Frank Ocean doesn’t get a nomination. The reaction appears split many support West for attempting to credit to Ocean, who has recently two very popular albums in 2016, but there have also been those critical of West for doing so. However as it happens it might just be West trying to avoid having his suit ironed, because neither of Ocean’s albums were entered for the Grammies before the September 30 th deadline. In 1989 Will Smith, Flavor Flav, Salt n Pepa and other boycotted the grammies after the Best Rap Performance Award wasn't broadcast. Many have suggested this was done by Ocean and his team consciously for reasons unknown, but despite this West ranted about how Ocean deserves a nomination at one of his gigs on the 22 nd October. It’s interesting when musicians try to use their power to force awards ceremonies, it almost never ...